Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What's beautiful about hard rubbish day is the wonder about the treasures people refuse and the curiosity about why. Then there's the quick thinking that goes on behind hungry eyes that decides whether to or not to retrieve 'that' there, because it looks handy or you know someone who might want it. On driving back past the same spot you recently resisted, you then wonder who took it and begin to ponder upon regret. So now, it is starting to get darker and there was a chair that i saw that looked beautiful in passing, and that cried "take me! make me new!".

SO off i go! To find it! My sister accuses me of hording. I don't believe in the word! One man's trash is now to become my treasure! What's not to like about hard rubbish? It's like op shop rounds that come to your!

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