Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Friday, April 28, 2006

bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, forget about your worries and your strife!!


so evrything's happened in the span of 5 days, and because i have alot to do, i dont wanna go into details! and WE DONT HAVE FOTO'S OF MONDAYY!!!!!!!!!! aarrrrrgghhhh, , and i just printed out fotos (five of em) from those big chunky machiney things yea? and well, it costed $2.95!! whatta whopper! anywayz, it was fun, and i gots another card thing to add to my other card things!

I LOST IT, im soooo sorrrrry guys, and and only worn it for like.....2days? ARRRRRRGHHHHHH it was a pendant thing, and i was only just really starting to like it!!!!!! and was gone!!!!!!!! and the pain is great, the trauma greater....and the guilt? man, im feeling was koool, well i was kooler than kool, and i cant believe it feel offa me!

and my chances of going to dre's is very very smalll. and i wont be going to chez's and i really just....ohhh......(cant find the word...its one of them days)

and i guesss im really starting to get stuck into my studies, and it feels great, as if i dont waste my time.....well this riite here is a break :]
and ive got lotsa more to do (hw and breaks) and OOOHhhhh, gotta call that upholstering place, hope they'll gimme a hand...this sofa thing is so insanely intense!!! i think i love it

vcd's very very scarey, i think if i dont feed it more designs, it might turn on me and start devouring me, making a goorey abstract of me...or what was me.....sound freakish>? it's that exactly!

i cant find my $20colesmyergiftcard. what a bumm, i think its sumwhere among the muck and debris in the chaos of my room. hey, anyone notice my new list of vocabs? im tryna expand my horizons, or rather, start sounding smarter. its working......kindaaaaa (im convinced:)

oke oke. im off now! rok on guys and dolls! wahaahahah. God bless yaz.
"remember guys, BE THE BALL!"

Sunday, April 23, 2006

im on top of the worlddddd....

ey heyyy!!!!!

today's beeeen awsummm!! and 2moro's gonna be even betterrrrr!


thanx God :]

oke. back to hw. i think im startn 2 get the idea of viscom!! *does victory dance*

im out! rok on!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

parent teacher interviews....hmmmmmm.....they were pretty sweeet.
nothing too badd....just "try a little harder" "she's not shy" "i rkn she can make it"

and me? yea, what they said.

there wassa fight today. over something really really stoopid. i dont evn kno what, just that these guys gotta grow some balls n get over it. but i must say, i was really suprised at recess to see jon n nadim tryna break up the fight....and mb a couple others. oke, their not as stoopid. but its all over, think they've got over it. hope so.

so i ask probably the stoopidist question in woodworks. cept it was valid and not so stoopid.....
i asked if i could bend a 40mm thick piece o timber. kav n dav pretty much just laughed. and then i asked mark, cos he made a hockey stick (by bending these 6-10mm pieces n stickn em to each other...took yonks n patience) only to get a smirk, and a sarcastic "good luck". ohhhh dearrr...then i started fumbling....

how am i gonna make this frame, how is this sofa gonna look?? i have absolutely NO IDEA, totally stumped.....any suggestions? and then i find that at skool, i think these this big boxy thing in the science department that they've usedd as a steam box a few times[apparently a really loong box, wooohooooo]....that got my hopes up. i could try steam a thick piece, cos i dunno if i can hack duing thin pieces individually n attempting to stick em together without gaps n alla trippy! but steaming it would be kinda dangerous, and very iffy. alla the research ive done says that it cant be there too long or too short, and theres no second chances, if it cracks n stuff, thats one good piece of timber gone. n the scary part is that i wanna bend the timber that would be external, as in, the piece of timber that's not gonna be upholsterd..gaaaaahhhhh./ upholstering. thats another story. man, im in here waaay over my head with no intention to back down. thing thats driving me is that i rkn once ive done this, evrything else'd be a sinch. n then i could go on making sofa's till im blue in the face cos their all be alot easier

what else. i should call negena. oOOOHhhh NO PERIOD ONE TOMORROWW!!! wooohoooo.
man, iv got so much catchin up to do. i gotta finish alla my research n design brief for wood, come up with a final design n frame and cutting list by the end of next week.
i gotta continue idea developement for vcd, come up with a final design, do all the technicals (NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo) and colour in alotta fotocopies.
ohh yea, n for both those subjects, i gotta go lincraft or spotlight or both.....

methods...oh me oh my!! i gotta learn 5 chapters over 2 weeks....eheheh(nervous laugh)
chem, duing oke. probably the most up to date sub. i gotta redo a few prac reports, do about 3 set questions....wahahahahaha, whats the big deal?

english....dont get me started. i can speak it!! isnt that enough?? havnt done ANY practise essay anythings, since...well, skool started. n i cant seem to prioritise it...its so unimportant!!!!! isnt my english here just.....magnificent?

well. here i am wallowing on about my heavy stack and i have the nerve, the luxury to be blogging.....wahahahaha. minds abit cookoo.....i wont be here anytime soon!

feel freee to distract me! prayer couldnt hurt anyone, especially me. but yea, if anything, im gonna be workn so hard that constant 'breaks' would be welcome! wahahahahaha.

God's been the bomb lately. always there. just brilliant n shiny and my strength in times of weakness(all the time) and my knight in shining armour!! wahahaahhaa. man, His so patient, im so unfaithful.


Monday, April 17, 2006

watchd passion of the Christ yestanite....

i watched it. thats all, i watched it.

i closed my eyes at some scenes....

i didnt cry. thats probably my biggest shock....

victor showed us snatches and i cried...

but i watched the whole thing and didnt cry. it didnt feel real.

but all the more, i held myself closer to God, pressed my heart against His and just watched it.

God told me that it was oke that i didnt cry, it didnt make me cruel. or cold or insensitive.
said that it'd be better to be sensitive to His voice rather than to the visuals and goriness.

but it was oke. i preferd the Christ in my heart than just a good lookn face on tv. passion of the Christ wasnt scripted for me. felt strange tho, the whole time watching it, i felt so disconnected to the movie. kinda felt.....blank. slighty scared of my 'lack of reaction' to the whole thing. but what to say? thats the truth...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

i need you more than ever

constantly screaming.chaos keeps rising.spirit is starving...what have i done?

I don't know what You saw in me
But I'm glad you believed
In spite of my condition
That Your mission was to rescue my heart

Don't understand the sacrifice
Why You gave up your life for the sake of my soul
Only heaven knows

There's a mystery that lies
Within the logic of your love
There's an undying mercy
That I'm unworthy of

If that isn't reason enough to love You
Reason enough to give You
All of my heart and soul
There'll never be a reason
If that isn't reason enough to trust You
Reason enough to give You
All of my life I know
There'll never be a reason
If that isn't reason enough

You have opened my eyes to see
The miracle You have made of me
I am your creation
So keep reminding me

There's a mercy so much stronger
Than the weaknesses in me
And there are glimpses of You power
That make it easy to believe

If that isn't reason enough to love You
Reason enough to give You
All of my heart and soul
There'll never be a reason
If that isn't reason enough to trust You
Reason enough to give You
All of my life I know
There'll never be a reason
If that isn't reason enough

God's been with me lately (always has been) but lately its like, i can feel his presence constantly, as if His the one keep me alive. as if i wouldnt have, couldnt have made it thru the day without Him, as if my problems would have crushed me, and if the ground were merciful, it would swallow me.

God taking me to His corner, quiet corner, and ive got to be quiet to hear his whisper, i have to be attentive to read his lips. and the noise around me is huge and incredible!

i think passion of the Christ is on. i think i should watch it. but ive got too many things to do while im here.

wahahaha, dearry me, ive gotta make this more random, now its all serious n stuff...ohhh well, not alotta pplz visit anymore anyway...but thats oke

soo many friends, are hurting. it hurts.
but something happens, theres a surrender that takes place once we've realised that theres nothing we can do to stop the bleeding, theres nothing we can do to provent infection. and we come before Christ, humiliated by our own actions, desperate for a cure, and there it is again..that oneness, that knowledge of God, that reminder of His grace and His mercy. the healing begins, and it stings, but it heals, and if theres a scar to remind us of God's total koolness, who are we to complain?

drain away the poison, my spirit's weak

hows Nikki? i think she's outta hospital, but i dont know her address, i really should send her something. She's brave. Pure. God she's got something ahead of me. ive got so much to learn.

THE SCHEME is over, kinda wish it wasnt, but glad it is. IT WAS SOOOOOOO AWSUM and funn! and mannnnn, the prayer sessions b4 it were soooooo KOOOOOOOOL. ..(and i hadda wear makeup...and it ran when i cried)

i love u God. i love u guys!
mann im so blessd.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

he calls himself....Marcus

welll!! riite after this, im back to methods!

what to say. the Scheme is goin' GREAT!! its funn! and the thing is riite? afta yesterday's 8hour rehersal, i didnt feel exhausted. actually i loved evry second of it! i dont kno how others wanteedd to go home earlier! wahahahaha....strange them. jkjkjk

what to say? tryna spend more time with God, need him more than ever now. well actually im just gonna keep needing Him more than i did b4 when i needed Him more...get me?

autumn's here, smack bang falling. havent seen enough falling trees, or leaves. i needa buy gumboots. i needa pray for kirun. i needa make more of an effort. i needa eat choklate.


heart...healing. but its gonna be forever hurting. forever healing. if it stops hurting, theres something wrong. theres always someone to hurt over, someone God breaks your heart for. always another person who could learn to start living. never no1 to reach.

fake blood...and a crown of thorns....keep searchin

currently still too proud. drop it! nikk,! gaaaahhhh. well cold....choklates aways so much sweeter in cold weather. i didnt take a shower yestaday, woke up at 9, rushed to church for rehursal starting 9:30. came back at 5:30ish, ate dinner, qt, hw, slept. funny, i dont get cold at nite. God covers me when i sleep, so that i get a good sleep. i dont think ive ever been sleeplesss, whatsitcalled when ya cant sleep. well ive never had that b4. dont think i ever will. mm hmmm.

ive only got one glove.....aileeeeeeeenyyyy!!!!! u better be using the other one!

gotsta go, a few more blogs to chek b4 i head off. God blesss!

(ouch. just had a hicup with a frriend. Hsin Yue n SynJen are the ones keeping me smiling. Their awsum-cousin's from mlaysia. their both still in primary skool)

Sunday, April 02, 2006


oke oke.... so on frriday we did a chem prac!!! woohooo, love em! well anyways, it was a back titration riite? so we added the excess of another agent, and then titrated it. soo usually u only need to do 3 or 4 titration to get 3 concordant titres. thats where 3 titres are within .1mL difference. well we did SEVEN and we got really RANDOM titres, and yes. i am quite frusssss!!! we only got 2 concordant tires...and we din have time for anymore!!! gaaaaahhhh!!

gaaaahhhh!!!, alla my other pracs have been ...dare i say perfect? and and and...AARRRGGGHHh!!! and evrytime we overshot i would sink to the floor...peter n will thought i was weird....merely devastated.....and so those two are gonna FUDGE the results!! I CANT FUDGE RESULTS!!!!! arrrrgghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!.... i think i hafta fudge my results......

well i gotta rite a persuasive essay on computergames...... cept i couldnt decide whether to be for or against, so i got both sides, and ive decided my contention shall be "everything is moderation". hows that? quite a challenge ey!! bring it on! i hope thats allowed, wahaahahhaa, im gonna stump my english teacher....

eyy, waddayakno! this post is entirely study that brainwashing class in skool is quite effective....mmmmmm

well friday rocked!! daria....well spoken!!

oOOhhhh, yestaday...aunty lanny's wedding...mannn, it was HOT! and she looked soo goood!!! awww mannn, and oli...she was HOT and angela too!!! and the ring bearer!!!! wahahaahahaha...he was HOT, his name was tj, and his this lil asian bold boy.....sooo cute
and his little brother.....he was going absolutely histerical over the bubbles, he was soooooo HOT!! aaarrrrgghhhhh. wahahaha. and steffi, she was HOT, and aileeeny was HOT!! wahahahaahaha

oke oke...i gotta go rite that weird essay and that stoopid stoooopid stooooooooooopid chem prac thats gonna be FUDGED. ohh bummm!!!

riteo, well love yaz all... ohhh, raCh! golden girl!! rockstar!!!!....ur the greatest!! wahahaha.
rok on! God bless ya'll.

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