Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

oke, now for the lighter side of things,
the brighter side of flings

this phase of life, I call, the second half of 18.

Heck, y'know I've got it good...period. Because I've love that cannot be denied as long as I'm living. I've family, friends and love better than all else in this world! wahaha, yes, my family's better than yours! I bet my being on it! Yes, my friends are the best in the world! I can prove it!

and alas! fongnet has broken down for a little while, so the fong household is without outside contact and is hurting terribly because of it. Here i am at wheelers library...i;ve 17minutes remainging, which when consumed by time, will allow me to submit to the calling from my direct right where a new stand of "books for sale" sits. and i will spend a little that is not mine because i have no self control over cheap books and taking advantage of them. evn if i dont read them...i will, sometime in the future.

It seems that friendships get stronger the greater the contact and surer through accumulated hardships. Naturally (duh). I've so light a weight, so much to think about and a numbness that doesnt make me feel guilty. , this one, however, strikes me more as peace...thats a thought! The brightness of today has warmed my heart and i need to spend it with He who makes me continually (poet me!).

Love you PLENTY!

1 comment:

  1. ahh.. nice ta know ya doing wells ^-^

    its been ages since ive been to wheelers hill library ..

    hmm visit one day XD


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