Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I might nurture a dislike for talking to the computer. Something about it's emotionless reactions and deceiving temptations doesn't help me. If a conversation is to get awkward, let it be awkward; none of this 'brb, sorry was hanging out the washing' rubbish, you wouldn't do it amidst a face to face conversation. It's just such a pathetic escape from consequences of your words, although it becomes recorded can be corrected "oops, wrong convo" yada yada!

I'm building it up, this dislike for online conversations...why? because it gives me more reason to sit dreamily in front of the computer forgetting life, forgetting responsibilities and practising procrastination! Right Now? now is a reflection...

but i spend to much time here, everyday, waiting for a good conversation, waiting for someone interesting. Waiting makes up too much of my life. Here, online i forget my revolt of waiting...while adding to it.

I don't like this world of pretend. I don't like cheap escapes. If I'm to suffer, gimme real pain, make it strong, make me remember life and appreciate it! Petty was never my favourite, nor was smoke-screen or plastic covers. If the couch is made to be sat on, let it be sat on without covers. It the punch is to be dealt, don't lessen the blow because you remember I'm a girl; if the door is to be opened to let the breeze in, let also the sunshine that comes with it!

I hate hypocrisy, more so in myself. Remind me, without the sugar coating! Hurt me if that's what it takes, I'll thank you later...cos that's what love does! Hurt can only last for so long..


  1. why not start a good convo instead of waiting for one?

    i mean its like saying
    "Im waiting for a friend I can trust...."

    instead u can be the trustworthy friend someone is waiting for..

    hope u get the idea =D

    I agree that people tend to fabricate themselves into someone they are not on the net.but there are also people who do that in real life.

    a world of honesty is ideal but unrealistic.

    even sometimes being polite to someone people tend to soften the "blow" ....

    honesty is a tricky policy...

  2. ugh.. im always the i have to do the washing ..only because its true =.="


  3. Fong, you've woken me up. For this reason, I'm leaving your blog right now to do my homework. No more online procrastination! It's way too easy...


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