Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

You know those freak feelings that remind you of the reality and severity of that very active spiritual war? Well that. I am glad it happened... and it might sound cruel because it was not me that felt it, it was her. And it pushed her into panic but it also pushed her and myself closer to the solution: God. I don't want her to feel it again because she appeared in such helplessness that she found herself asking me to pray for her. I do not ever remember her asking such of me.
"I think its gone" is what she said after I prayed for her. God, I hope its gone. Now I'm so wary of this world; this crazy and fun facade compelling us to forget reality. Damn. I will forever be musing about reality.

On a lighter note all is far as I'm concerned. Youth camp begins on Monday. I am going to help out (and witness something of a revolution that will hopefully sweep the church).

What I seek lately is joy. Not happiness, happiness is too fleeting; joy is never so. The image I have in my head of joy is that late night of prayer with journey at my place when we were starting to close, it was about 1am and we couldn't help giggling away some overflowing of crazy love, crazy joy.
That and last year's camp after room 13. We returned to the lesson trying to stifle giggles of who knows why? Something amazing.
And I know some people never feel it. That joy that is so aware, so honest, not anywhere near the drunk sort. Joy, it is a fruit of the spirit. A fruit, meaning it is the blooming result of a root in the Spirit. So then, will those never rooted ever feel anything of joy? (Those out of the spirit can love, can they not? Love is a fruit of the spirit. The same can be said about patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control but I just don't think the same of peace and joy. I don't know why.)
Happiness could be likened to joy, but should not be mistaken for. Right?

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