Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So if I took some time, some wine, a canvas, some paint and remembered an old idea that i quickly scribbled a good few years ago... I would achieve something arty-farty, but finally achieve it none the less and tick it off my Want-to-do-when-I-have-a-whole-day-to-do-it list. No, I don't like drinking wine; tastes horrid! But I think there is no better way to express wine then by actually using wine to paint. Or perhaps spilling wine in the write places.

Do you know those balance water bottles that are simply shaped but stupidly priced (they are sold at coles, I have yet to see them in safeway). Yes, just visualise with me. If one third of the water was drank (drunk? drinken? drunken) so that two thirds was left, and you tried to balance it horizontally holding it simply in the middle with just one hand. It becomes very clumsy and balance is mostly precarious. It takes the slightest of anything before the water tips more to one side than the other and when you try to quickly bring it back to equilibrium and it rushes to the other side and to and fro and to and fro till you let it settle, or give up. or yada yada

Well that. Balancing responsibilities kinda feels like that. I woudln't say I am irrisponsible and I hope you don't think that. I don't have a choice, and I am being forced to learn and adapt quickly; and be boring if you will. I will try; and fail as I might, learning is the ongoing process, and humble pie I pressume is waiting for me somewhere along my travel. So, if you have nothing on your agenda, then I would gladly accept and appreciate the company. You know what they say:
"The road is never long with good company!"
And you know it!


  1. With good company, the road is always too short...

  2. wahahaha, so then keep traveling! You are good company mikee! I love it!


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