Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Monday, August 31, 2009

God made maths so humanity would agree on at least one thing.

I am aware that sometimes I swing a little far right and then a little far left, and somehow via trial and error, I find the balance...usually. Or what sometimes appears as compromise, which arguably cheapens both "extreme" beliefs. Or makes peace with.

There are so little correct answers in life, except in maths, which is why I like math. because I can know if I'm right or not and know that there is an absolute truth in calculations.

Maths and God. The only two truths that I think I'll categorise as concrete for the entirety of my life. Perhaps when I grow up, I'll be a godly mathematician, after all, I've always fancy absolutes.

1 comment:

  1. hehe im discovering this as i study my God & Natural Science subject too
    you think just like Galileo my friend =]


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