Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Friday, August 01, 2008


i apply, i take it off again.
i have just resorted to not looking at reflections of me.

instead, I've found my wit amidst laughing with and laughing at you.
you can't keep taking from me! So the more you take, the more I will laugh, because then you have less victory. Because it agitates you, it gives me satisfaction! You can take all you want, you cannot take my laughter, my joy. My hope. My love.

I see them and I'm encouraged, I hear them speak of victory, I hear them get excited about the battle and I thank the Lord Almighty I have them on my team, in my rank... and bloody but fighting fit beside me!

We laugh together, though gritted teeth and ridiculous circumstance!

This is my song in the battle
when triumph is still on it's way
I am a conquerer and co-heir with Christ
so firm on his promise I stand
-desert song; this is our God; hillsong

wahaha! I think you are insane!

1 comment:

  1. Stick it to the man!

    We will sing in the trenches, we will rejoice in the storms, we will laugh in the face of evil.


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