Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

arm in arm; heart in hand

i dont know how, but you keep giving me more of what I shy from...


i dont want it. but i do.
i yearn for purpose and fulfilment and i assume it holds ties (somehow) with responsibility. something to do with taking responsibility for the carbon emissions that escape my every breath. so i'll take it, with a side of humble pie and the ample occasions to bite my swollen tongue!

i will. and you will walk with me, like you promised or i'll drop my load.
you're pouring me out, Love, pouring me out!

Shall we? it seems my heart is in your hands. if you go, i go, even if my heart despairs leaving a place or entering another. you have me in knots over myself, you do. but i remember
i remember
i love you

because love is eternal, right?

and you said
you said
you would never
never leave.

i heard
you say
your love would last forever
and i dont know a time you were ever never there.

at my point of breaking
you always
point me t'wards the sky

i found it
this time
i found it when you pulled the wool from my eyes
told me i was braver than i perceived

and now i might
believe you

you warm me
you warn me
i seek you
i see you

and even if i don't ever see you again
if i don't ever feel you again
if i don't ever hear you again
if you break my heart to make me better

i will, take this path.
but i pray that not be the case.


you make me crazy, you do!
you drive me absolutely bonkaz!

1 comment:

  1. zomg! you explained responsibility.. in in in.. ahh..such a way many could relate to ..



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