Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

If you've got the poison I've got the remedy! I'm yourrrssss!!!

wahahaha. anyhoo, wats to say? I think I'm beating up my greeen monster, although still getting beaten too... i'll win, I know it. Like I'm gonna let some jealousy get the best of me? no, its not over my "love". no, im not even in love! so HAH!

I have a $7 library fine, because I borrowed a laptop and didn't know you get it free for only 3 hours...i think i mightv'e gone a 6 or something :D poor. i squandered my money today...on feeding myself...i've spent about $5....cant believe it! wahaha, how gonan nap now. because I'm tired and I think i tackled my first exam well enough. I have a folio, art folio due tomorrow at 5pm...apparently its a killer...they think I'm screwed...I think I'm a'right!

see, next week, though I still have 2 exams...I might act as if it'd over, cos by the time this crazy week is over...i might be over exams too...i'll let you know! tired....this will lack interest (aka, colour and random fonts and sizes) just because im tired and im going to sleep on the couch now...

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