Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


There is something about complete's purity, wholeness, nakedness.

The best description I can conjure, for silence, is white. Silence is white. And unlike black and it's absorbing, covering nature, the silence, in its demanding purity, illuminates. It singles out the spicks and specks in the loudest fashion...possibly why silence is so rare in this day and age.

It took long enough to get away from the physical noise, the hustle and bustle of melbourne. It took even longer to clear the mental noise and chaos that had made itself comfortable inside me. Events and plans racing away, excitement, fear, reminders, memories....
I "walked" away from it all, a girl, forgetting temporarily the world that would not and could not last forever, to remember for a time and an eternity, a God, a friend, who would.

It was strange, feeling naked against a blinding white, in a perfect silence, it all droned away. I stuttered abit, echoes of my thoughts and words smoldered away in the silent dimension, like pollution, so I stopped.

Silence. I decided to remain silent. Be still. STILL...and know that I AM GOD. My defenses fell, and the white stripped me, I appeared before my Lord exposed and wholely myself. He taught me, led me, reminded me of ways and promises, repremanded me for my disobediance, gave me peace, restored me.

And then with the touch of a button, the silence rippled away and the white exploded into an array of composed colour as music made it's entrance and took the stage. And in the confusion of the sudden jolt between two dimensions, differing in time/eternity, and chaos/purity, it took me half the song to climb back and become me as i was in this world. Trying desperately to linger in the calm of eternity, but to no avail. The memory, as long as I allow it to be, is a constant reminder to revisit the secret place, and relive silence. God, my Lord; Jesus, precious savior; Holy Spirit, my ever-ready soure of encouragment and convistion, YOU ROCK MY WORLD!

you should try it. but yea, ya'll never find the time, you hafta make the time. decide to push it all away n try it. ohh yea, its easy at the start to fall asleep! dont! wahaahahahaha

riteo. cyaz alll!!! whoooaaaaaa, i need lunch!
[wahahahaa, hey ali failed again at acomplishing toffee, tho it still tastes wicked, its sooo badd for ya! waaaay too sweeet]


  1. This is a really good post. Not kidding.

  2. Silence can be very difficult for people of female gender.

  3. very evocative nik! i love the way you thread your words :)


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