Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

ice-cream, pen tricks and tigerlily

YOOOo!!!! wasssssuppppppp

aleeethea's here now. shez beside me. how annoying....!! :]
hmmm, uhh..OOOHhhhi forgot to blog b4. and i GOTTA tell you....THE BIRD MISSED ME!!!!! bahahahahahahahahahah. oke. so i was walkn with jaz n mel riite? n then .......and then this thing flies past me vertically. and i stopp. and then jaz stopps. and we stare. its like *blink blink*. cos right inbetween my legs is BIRD POOP!! and it was sooooooooooooo funny!!! cos it missed me!! and its wakko cos it missed me but ended up inbetween my legs. not infront of conclude with it being a-God-thing. he saved me from enbarrasement. lik He's done b4.... :] :]

so that was very very kool!!!....

oh, back to the heading....icecream, pentricks and tigerlily....i have foudn the ultimate 'keep you awake' combination!! cos when you eat icecream, for some BIZARR reason you stay awake. or i do anyway. like i become soooo concentrated on the cold, yummmmm, thing that icecream is...its wakko. AND pen tricks are very very addictive!!!! roy taught me a new one!!!

oke oke....WAIT UP!! i gtg now. cos im at skoool. catchaz later. will post again and FINISH it off!

rok on!!!


  1. Ice cream keeps you awake? What for? So you can study MORE PEN TRICKS!? Hey, you said about the bird 'missing' you. Do magpies do that swooping season thing here in Melbourne? It kinda sucks, but if it's just a country thing then I don't have to worry about a thing.

  2. my ma used to always get swooped by magpies in her carpark at work. wahahahaha...but they left her alone

    hmmm.....i actually cbs finishing my post....cos im in my pjz. and my pjs make me wanna sleep. and i havnt studyeed for accounting sac part2...the more important part...

    ohh joy. i go in and out of sleepy phases. ive had lack of sleep lately.....ive been sleeping frrom a range of 11:30-2....and and and thats not like me. i need sleep. i should really be hitting the bed at latest, 11!!!! arrrgghhhh...if i faint during my sac its not my fault!!!!

    rok on!

  3. uh huh... cuz you were FORCED to stay up and blog to late... speaking of which... I could use some serious zzzzzz's too :S


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