Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

ur weak, tired, fall back...on me
catch? im too heavy.
im strong
its gonna hurt, trust me.
i can handle it
i dont want u to.
u'll be standing ready anyway? just because...?
i love you.
thats nice. i love u too...
u'll never understand
u cant leave me alone can u?
i dont want to.
oke. i'll fall back onto you
...wait, i need to do something first...

isn't that always the case?
i catch myself duing it all the time.
like i starve myself, trying to runn on energy that i looong used up
thinking i'll be oke.
am i oke? *shrugs. my life is good. im happy, but spiritually...its aLOT different. that's how it always is riite? lol. im livn a double life. not that its completely opposite. just different...

i gotta go beddy now.
too many pplz read this. oh! go get a life?!!? :]

rok on!


  1. nicole! it's coz we havent talked in ages. haha.

    no no. but we gotta get together soon. you're awesome. keep pushing. ill pray!


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