Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Friday, December 12, 2008

We dreamed of love;
Of immeasurable potential and passion and glory and fields of green for long and wide!

We never imagined this.
Raw and vulnerable and confused and stubborn. We had not likened Truth to the sting of vinegar on grazed lips. Or Faithfulness to the clutching of dried ice.

Love cannot be made as heroic as is, if not for the triumphs over adversity. For a hero is always born out of opposition, of pain and the determination to fight for the worthy cause. Thus Love is undoubtably brave (Brave, which I once read defined as "Afraid but willing to act on regardless" or something to that tune). So here's to Love. Here's to Truth.
And here's to You,
Dear and Faithful
Let me not forget the Love that keeps me here.
This dance belongs to you.

1 comment:

  1. wow. nicely collected.

    ya words seem to pinpoint stuff so precisely!!!

    have a good holiday too !! ^^


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