Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Friday, June 06, 2008

He beckoned me with an open hand
Outstretched and calm in reassurance
I accepted the offer and simultaneous demand
that was afforded with such ambition.

Say I to he "We'll escape into nature,
we'll live off the streams and by berries be enticed.
We would away with superficial and material
Imagine! Now don't you think that it'd be nice.?"

In reply he spoke and covered my thoughtless words
"You know jolly well we can't just disappear"
And i did and my unprocessed thoughts of escape: deferred.
We walked into alleyways unexplored 'cept by Fear
So i huffed and I puffed as we ran through the darkness
and stayed very still while the black it enclosed us.
Or perhaps twas my eyes tightly shut to avoid
the menacing mystery of the lurking abroad.

And on "RUN" we both bolted, my legs quickly swimming
to find surface beneath me
My ears deafly ringing.
And the freedom we found from the light that relieved us
was laughter and singing and ear to ear beaming.

We collapsed in a heap of new found fondness
of the hope of the sunlight;
And a new found boldness.
From the darkness, we remembered the smirk both had birthed
from the knowledge that friendship forged strongly had it's perks.

And the rain that began its drumming gradually quicker
prepared for the thunder that soon would be rolled
and we shot each other a quick glance and deeply
breathed in the excitement of another challenge; enthralled.

So we'll rock this stupid world
and we'll drop it's mortal mold.
we'll be Captors of untold dreams
and release joy from split seams.

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