Life ain't gonna get any better. You are.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

dear connex,
apart from uniting generations under one common topic, the awful taste the word "connex" left in everyone's mouth, are you still strong?. Yes, the sighs were deep and unimpressed yet surprised that today connex had reached it's new low.

And it wasn't even your fault! You didn't choose for the trees to fall on the tracks of more than half of melbourne's commute system! You didn't choose for the shortages of buses or trams when in most why is everyone so angry with you?

Though I admit I had to stifle a laugh when the man behind me commented to a stranger "...where are the connex people? I feel the need to abuse them,"

You probably conceived the most uneventful yet interesting 2hours and 40minutes with me. You helped me make a 2hour friend, "Shelle" she told me. And she blew me kisses at the end of our "adventure" (though mine was to be longer still) as the doors closed on the neatly packaged human aluminium transporter (that much resembled sardines: generously tinned). I waved goodbye, after insisting she goes first, without me...because she was running low on stamina to endure waiting another 30seconds.

And then i ran into Cindy! Though i had to yell about 5 times and chase her (while wondering if i had the right person) til she took the headphones out of her ears and recognised me. The conversation of her $2K round the world trip mixed with her clothes designs was pleasurable; the train rides were becoming more and more endurable!

So from melb Central to burnley to camberwell (lilydale line) back to burnley; back to camberwell, back to richmond, then to clayton (cranbourne line) and then bus to monash uni, then pit stop and then receive mother dear as the bus spits her out later, then to be driven home from monash uni by beloved Daddy dear (God bless him).

A new friend, a reunion, an adventure, lessons learnt (I can say I've doubled my knowledge of connex train routes, though still lacking considerably)!

Maybe the day wasn't so uneventful after all!

So connex, rest assured, i don't hate you.
-yours truly, uniki.

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